KaSR Employment & Gender Empowerment


Karak Star for Recycling (KaSR) values the participation of women in our projects. Women have made up at least 10% of KaSR workforce from the beginning of our paper recycling work in 2018.

As we prepare for Phase II of KaSR work, which will involve doubling the output of the egg tray manufacturing operation and initiating a new project to recycle waste plastic into synthetic fuel oil via a pyrolysis process, women should make up at least 30% of the KaSR workforce by the end of 2020.

Karak Star factory worker assembles stacks of egg trays in May 2020.

Cooperation with Community Based Organizations (CBO) in the Jordan Valley

In 2020 KaSR will partner with at least 20 women-led CBOs in the Jordan Valley, who represent about 750 women community members. In the partnership, KaSR will train the CBO's to collect and store used black plastic such as is used as mulch in big agricultural operations in the Jordan Valley. KaSR will equip each CBO headquarter with an industrial scale that can weigh up to 1/3 of a ton, and purchase collected waste plastic from the CBO's based on weight and quality. This will empower the women's organizations and lead to a cleaner environment.

The Jordan Valley is the vegetable basked of Jordan, where around 250,000 dunums (25,000 hectares) are planted for year round crops. Much of this is planted using drip irrigation under black plastic mulch to prevent evaporation. Every year this plastic is burned after the harvest of the land is complete. Another 45,000 dunums (4,500 hectares) hold plastic-covered green houses and that plastic has to be renewed every 3-5 years.

Jordan valley workers in a field with black plastic mulch. Photo source: Arab Trade Union www.arabtradeunion.org post 2017-Apr-25



Deeply colored egg trays


Karak Star in the JVL Exhibition December 2019